We are excited to start this journey with you!
As I stated in our “about” page, we are just trying to figure this out as we go along. I’m finding that starting this journey later in life is difficult and it was evident today with the start of this blog and using the computer programs. It was so frustrating! So I apologize to you all for the simplicity of my design and current content.
Let’s start by defining what I think FI is.
Financial Independence, to me, means not having to go to a job to pay bills or support your every day expenses. This means, when you have enough income from other outlets, like real estate, or interest bearing accounts, or any other side hustles, that you can make the choice to work or not. The entire point of the FIRE movement is to reach financial independence and retire early. We are here to share our experience with you, as a couple of blue collar generation x-ers, who are just starting this journey. I’ll share what we’ve learned along the way, so maybe you can learn and put a plan into action.
Well, I think that’ll do for the introduction. Next week I’ll sit down and discuss what we’re doing to help reach FI sooner than later. If you like what you’ve read so far, please subscribe and you’ll get notification that I’ve made the next post.